Coco: The Wonder New York Pit Bull

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Beautiful Coco

Here is Coco sitting on a Riverside Park bench the day of his biopsy, July 7, 2006. Although a little bit drugged from the anesthesia, he was still as excited and intrigued by the park as he usually is, and also very concerned that his father was moving away from him (about 3 feet away, to take the picture, but that is unacceptably far for Coco).

Four months later, Coco has gone through dozens of tests, oncology appointments, and 16 radiation therapy treatments. We were so grateful and happy when we learned that the radiation had worked and his tumor had 'disappeared'. Unfortunately, this supposed remission lasted only about a month and his tumor is back.

Because Coco continues to love life as much as he always has, we will attempt to get him in remission once more and hopefully have him enjoy his home, his parents, and his frequent trips to the parks, upstate, and baseball games for at least another year, and hopefully much longer. I cannot imagine life without Coco and I know he cannot imagine himself without us or us without him.

Coco has no idea that he is sick, but I know that if he could make a decision, he would decide to live. I think his every action, his eyes, his always-wagging tail communicate that, without a doubt, he wants to stay with us and be happy and eat a lot and talk a lot, for at least another year. I know that he will fight this horrible disease and will do his best to let the three of us enjoy life together for as long as possible.

Coco is the most wonderful living being that I have ever met. I'm incredibly grateful for all he has taught me and all he has brought to my life. He is so full of life, so full of love, so energetic, so happy, so stubborn, so spoiled, so truly alive. I am so thankful that Coco managed to find me 7.5 years ago in El Paso, TX. He has helped me so much throughout these years and has unconditionally loved me and supported me no matter how chaotic my life or my behavior were. Coco has been with me throughout my entire adult life and I know that he is not ready to leave me on my own yet --just as he knows that I am not ready either.

Many hugs, kisses, and ear bites to my beautiful and adorable little monster Coco.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Coco's proud parents


Riding in a car with Coco

As you can see from his big smile, Coco loves riding in a car. He probably misses his daily trips in his red pick-up truck in Texas!

Introducing Coco

Coco is an adorable 7 year old American pit bull born in El Paso, TX. He moved to the city in 2003 and loves being a New Yorker. He is very smart, funny, and terribly spoiled.